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ル マニョリアさんのワークショップ

はるばる福岡からル マニョリアさんが来てくれました。もう三回目になります。彼女らのワークショップには毎年全国からたくさんのお客様にご参加いただきますが、今年もこの小さな農園がますます小さく感じる程の大人数で、その人気の高さをうかがい知ることになりました。











その間にも、ル マニョリアのスタッフさんが手際の良いサポートで、次々とプログラムをこなして行き、これだけの大人数でも全く滞りなく、全員が大満足のうちにレッスンが終わりました。この記念撮影からも全員が笑顔でいるのが分かりますね。

The workshop of Le Magnolia

Le Magnolia came all the way from Fukuoka. This is the third time they have visited us. Their workshops are attended by many guests from all over Japan every year. Many guests were so large that it made our small farm feel even much smaller, and that shows it’s very popular.

The leader Hiromi Sankoda, is a very popular florist who studied at a popular shop in Paris, intends natural tasted arrangement and acts widely in Japan and abroad.

The theme of the day was to pick chemical-free sweet peas from our farm and make a bouquet by combining them with wildflowers and other plants collected on their own walks.

It was unfortunately raining, but everyone took advantage of the break in the weather to take a quick stroll through the nearby coppice, and when they returned with the flower materials they had collected, they immediately started the lesson.

The participants were enthusiastic about their work in the lessons that were guided with detailed advice individually and carefully.

After that, it was time to chat over fresh herbal tea made from the chemical-free herbs in our pride. There were literally flowers bloomed in their talking about flowers. Some of them eagerly asked questions about the farm, and we were very happy to see how much they really love flowers and plants.

In the meantime, Le Magnolia’s staff supported excellently and completed the programme one after another, the lesson was completed to everyone’s great satisfaction without any delay inspite of such a large group. You can see everyone’s smile in this photo.
