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  • ワークショップ開催中!
    The workshops are held right now!


  • 『花摘み会2024』が始まりました!
    Pick-Your-Own 2024 has started!











Challenge of chemical-free cultivation 

We attempt to cultivate without any chemicals and germicides. In many cases of Japanese protected horticulture, the products are grown in the same greenhouses every year. It is unavoidable way for the Japanese farmers who are running small farms advantageously. However these repeated cultivation gradually give the damage to the grown plants. It is necessary to reset the soils sterilising with chemicals every year, in order to control such situations. First of all, we had stopped applying chemical germicides into the soils, and started to reset the soils with solar heat and many kinds of microbes in 2017. We had also stopped using all other germicides at the same time. We were annoyed by the counter-attack from harmful fungi for two years from then, and finally could get over them in the next third year. Besides, we are trying new methods which can avoid harmful insects, using only the natural substances since the forth year 2020.














Learn from environmental advanced countries  

A Frenchman who knows Japan well told us once.

“The Japanese produce is the same shape, clean and no bruises, but that’s what makes us so weird.”

I was shocked to hear this. It’s sure that the stuff lined up in the shops in France is not as neat and tidy as the Japanese ones.

 Actually Japan is the worse country that use the agricultural chemicals per unit area of farmland, and the most Japanese people don’t know about this. Even the USA uses fewer than Japan. People who live in the environmental advanced countries of the West probably don’t like the uniform shape and the lack of worm-eaten holes, because they feel that such food is compulsorily produced by artificial heavy loads on nature, using chemicals.

 A sweet pea farmer on the outskirts of Paris said.

“We used to grow straight and uniform produce like in Japan, but we don’t do it at the moment. There is demand for the natural form much more than the previous one. ”

What is the agriculture running friendly with nature? We are always thinking about this, and hope that one day Japanese consumers and producers will catch up with the sense of environmentally advanced the West countries.