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A good time with wild flowers

Today’s workshop was held by Hidemi Oshawa, and its theme is ‘Enjoying with wild flowers. ’


This theme has already become a special attraction in the farm. It was planned as an event in 2016 at first, and we asked it Ms. Hidemi  Ohsawa, who has plenty of the knowledge about many plants and can handle not only the light side but also the shade side in her works, and even the daily culture flexibly.  


Some active professional florists join this event every year, and all participants have the mutual keywords like ‘pleasure’ and ‘discovery’.  

She explained the dangerous plants like lacquer or several points to note, and then each of the participants went out to get wild plants. After about half an hour they came back with full of ‘prey’ in their hands, smiling as girls. And besides, a person became an enthusiast of the long shaft scissors using it for a first time.


In the followed lessons, each one was individually and carefully guided, and was engrossed in the work. And at the end, they were even given sweets by Campagne (@campagne_k ). A great cheers was going up. 

By the way, the scene of the participants like this is almost the same every year, since the first one in 2016. The fact that it has been going on for so long as we can write it’s history in this way probably means that this project has the kind of power to move people’s mind. Immediately after the participation in this workshop, you realise that there are glorious beauties buried here and there in the nature round you that you haven’t paid attention to in usual. They are living everywhere, in the grass by the roadside, at the edge of the coppice, there are so much everywhere. 

Photos are the flower works by Ms. Hidemi Ohsawa. 
