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  • 蜜柑のスライス(皮ごと)
  • ルッコラ
  • クレソン
  • エクストラバージンオリーブ油
  • レモン汁
  • バルサミコ
  • 生胡椒の塩漬け
  • ピンクペッパー
  • 藻塩





Marumaru Tangerine

I introduced on my Instagram, and it made me think about how a produce in its natural state is like.


An old man used to grow tangerines. Now his field is only mowed and almost natural. Perhaps it would be better to say that it is abandoned. (Excerpt from Instagram)


No fertilize and no water. The field is back in the mountains only just mowing, so that it doesn’t become a thicket. The cut grass is layered on the top of soil, like humus in the mountains. His daughter who manages the field says: “We do nothing with it, they are too sour and not as sweet as the commercial ones, so we can’t sell it”.


But it has a strong taste and aroma. We compared it with the commercial ones. After eating this, we tried the commercial one, and found that it was much sweeter and the skin was softer and easier to peel. But the taste and the smell is weak. Actually the taste and the smell is not so good. The sugar content is much higher in commercial ones that have been picked with a lot of work. But they don’t taste so good.


To be honest, the surface of the peel of “Marumaru Tangerine” is not good. It looks like a black freckle, as it has been scratched or rubbed by something. The peel is hard and hard to peel, like a lemon. If I saw two of these in the supermarket, I’m sure they wouldn’t  be sold easily,no matter how they are so delicious.


I made a salad with it. I also added some herbs from my farm.

This is a salad recipe.

-Slice mandarin orange (peel and all)
-Extra virgin olive oil
-Lemon juice
-Fresh salted pepper
-Pink pepper
-Sea salt

Some of the ingredients are hard to find, but you can substitute them with something else. By the way, if you ask Ayumi, she might be able to give you a small quantity of “Marumaru Mikan”.


