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Glycine Soja is the original breed of Edamame.

“What a beautiful flower this is!”

This was a word all began with. My curiosity got my quest starting with finding out the name of the plant.

I tried just my usual app and I thought I could find it easily. But I couldn’t find anything. Even after opening the illustrated books on the bookshelf, which I don’t use much these days, I couldn’t find anything, so I gave up halfway and determined to be a long job.  “I have to go to the library.” Then I remembered Michikusa, a weed researcher, and I sent her the photo. So she replied immediately.

Once I got the name, the rest was easy. I googled it and found a lot of information.

“It is the original breed of soybean and can be eaten. In short, the great-grandfather of Edamame(green soybeans). I wanted to try it. No, I must do that anyway.

I’d like to eat it with Michikusa, drinking beer.

So we suddenly decided to have an adult playhouse eating these beans. We considered the details of our adult playhouse. We used our favourite dishes and sea salt. The boiling time was exactly perfect. Unfortunately, the only beer was non-alcoholic, because we had to drive.

And here is the completion! Apparently you can imagine how small it is, but it’s 1/3 the size of normal edamame. But the flavour was rich, and the texture was firm and it was really tasty.

We enjoyed beer and edamame under the blue sky. We could have perfect hours.

